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Stock Price

Orion Holdings is leaping and bounding with substantial growth.

Alongside our shareholders, we will create greater corporate value.

Stock Price

2024-07-27 19:55

Orion Holdings


Change 90 (0.60%)



Change -400 (-0.45%)

Stock Quote
Current Stock Price Data
High 19,500
Low 10,500
No. of listed shares (outstanding) 62,645,422
Market capitalization 9,454
Foreign ownership ratio 7.15
Current Stock Price Data
52-week high 16,290
52-week low 13,090
PER* 10.60
Face value 500

*EPS as of the end of last year

Historical Stock Price

Date of being listed: June 27, 1975, (Unit: KRW, No. of shares)

Basic Stock Price Information
Category 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Face value 500 500 500 500 500
Highest stock price 17,320 16,150 18,450 158,000 17,600
Lowest stock price 13,790 13,600 12,900 94,100 10,700
Common stock issued (outstanding) 62,645,422 62,645,422 62,645,422 39,536,132 62,645,422
Market cap (KRW 100 mil) 9,146 9,616 9,992 49,025 41,711

※ Base date: Dec 31, 2023